Frequency of meetings: Quarterly

Membership:  The Strategic Partnership is represented by the three statutory safeguarding partners and identified relevant agencies. The list of relevant agencies will be review by the Partnership annually.

Purpose: The purpose of the Oldham Safeguarding Children Strategic Partnership is to support the three Statutory Safeguarding Partners to fulfil their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and for ensuring the effectiveness of local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

Aims:  The strategic aims of Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership are:

     • Excellent practice is the norm across all practitioners in Oldham.

     • Partner agencies hold one another to account effectively.

     • There is early identification of new safeguarding issues.

     • Learning is promoted and embedded.

     • Information is shared effectively.

     • The public feel confident that children are protected

Strategic Safeguarding Partnership ToR - OSCP V3 - 2022.doc

Role description for Strategic Partnership members.docx