oldham safeguarding children partnership
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We provide support to

two professionals


parent and child

Parents & carers

child kicking ball

Children & young people

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About OSCP

Worried about a child?

Are you concerned that a child has or is suffering harm, neglect or abuse?

Please call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team on 0161 770 7777

If a child is in immediate danger phone 999 and speak to the police

If you need help or information in another language, please get in touch.

What is abuse?

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Abuse (also called Significant Harm), comes in many forms and can happen to any child or young person at any age. Abusers can be adults but not just parents or carers, abuse often occurs within a relationship of trust e.g. a teacher, carer, family friend or youth leader.

The abuse can also come from your peers and even people you consider to be friends or are in a relationship with. It can be physical, sexual or emotional, but can just as often be about a lack of love, care and attention. We know that neglect, whatever form it takes, can be just as damaging to a child or young person as physical abuse.

OSCP brings people and professionals together
to promote the welfare of children in Oldham

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Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777

All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership

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