Policy and Procedures Subgroup
Frequency: Virtual Group
Membership: multi-agency representation
Remit: The policy and procedures subgroup will be responsible for developing and reviewing policies, procedures and guidance for safeguarding children in Oldham in association with the GM policy and procedures subgroup.
Oldham OSCP has adopted the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Board's policies and procedures: https://greatermanchesterscp.trixonline.co.uk/
Performance Subgroup
Frequency: Quarterly
Membership: multi-agency representation
Aim: To receive high quality performance data from OSCP partners which can be used to inform the Partnership’s business plans with regards areas of risk and challenge.
- To review the performance information that is generated by partner agencies for the OSCP scorecard. The group will highlight areas of risk to safeguarding children and propose challenge to the appropriate OSCP member.
- To identify new performance indicators based on emerging trends and collate relevant data to assist in the understanding of these issues.
- To develop a deep dive process in order to scrutinise areas of concern.