This page lists a wide range of help, advice and guidance for professionals from national and local services.
Genogram Guidance
A genogram is a visual tool which shows a family tree of at least three generations. It is used to give a pictorial representation of a family system.
How to complete a Genogram.pptx
Accident Prevention and Child Safety
90% of the most serious preventable accidents to the under-fives fall into five main areas:
For more information and resources visit Child Accident Prevention Trust
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
The term Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is used to describe a wide range of stressful or traumatic experiences that children can be exposed to whilst growing up. ACEs range from experiences that directly harm a child (such as suffering physical, verbal or sexual abuse, and physical or emotional neglect) to those that affect the environment in which a child grows up (including parental separation, domestic violence, mental illness, alcohol abuse, drug use or incarceration).
Abuse and Relationships
Oldham Council Domestic Violence and Abuse - Oldham has a team of specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advisors in addition to a specialist Officer who deals with cases of so called honour based violence (including forced marriage and FGM). The team can offer emotional and practical support to victims and survivors.
Women's Aid is a charity that aims is to end domestic violence/abuse against women and children. It provides wide range of services and runs the national 24 hour 7 days a week confidential domestic abuse helpline - 0808 2000 247
Men's Advice Line is a charity that offers help and support for male victims of domestic violence. They run a men’s helpline which opens Monday to Friday 9 am-5pm - 0808 901 0327
Galop run the national lesbian, gay bisexual and Trans domestic violence helpline, see website for opening times. Helpline- 0800 999 5428
CC - Domestic Abuse (LGBT) Poster v3 (2).pdf
Respect offers a free phone confidential helpline offering advise information and support to help individuals to stop being violent and abusive to their partner - 0808 802 4040
St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) is a specialist service for anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted. They aim to provide a one stop shop service, providing the following under one roof: medical care and forensic examination following assault and rape and in some locations, sexual health services. Medical services are free of charge and provided to women, men, young people and children.
White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging men and boys to stop violence before it starts through personal reflection and allyship with women and girls. The briefings below have been developed by the Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Victim Blaming 7MB.pdf
White Ribbon - Resources 7MB.pdf
Violence against women 7MB.pdf
Drugs and/or alcohol abuse
Turning Point is a locally commissioned social enterprise that provides integrated drug and alcohol services, detox and rehab day and residential services, supported accommodation for substance misuse and support for people referred by the criminal justice system.
Early Break works in Oldham to provide family services and emotional health & wellbeing services.
Drink Aware is a UK wide alcohol education charity who’s website is packed with research and information on all aspects of alcohol related issues.
ADFAM is the national charity working to improve life for families affected by drugs or alcohol.
NHS Information regarding drug addiction, options and treatment.
Mental health
Healthy Minds service is for people over the age of 16 years, who are registered with a GP in Oldham. They offer support and treatment for those who are experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood / depression, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of hopelessness or panic attacks.
Healthy Young Minds (formerly CAMHS) offers specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties. They help children and young people up to the age of 18 years and provide support to their families/carers.
Tameside, Oldham and Glossop MIND is a local charity that provides local mental health services in prevention, early intervention and primary care; alongside empowering individuals and our communities to live well.
Samaritans is a 24 hour national helpline that provides emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide - Call 116 123
Other issues affecting children and young people include:
What do Gillick Competency and Fraser Guidelines refer to? - NSPCC website
Madrassahs and supplementary schools
Safeguarding children - Madrassahs and Supplementary schools
Promoting the health and well-being of looked-after children
Working with Men
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777
All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership
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